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  1. OldJacketFan

    Option Football Update

    KSU is 9-1 don't forget about them!
  2. OldJacketFan


    Seems to me that the commentary about the duh u was considerably more that the commentary Tech received. But hey that's just my opinion (y)
  3. OldJacketFan

    Atlanta Falcons News

    You give up a 92 yard run in the NFL you deserve to lose!
  4. OldJacketFan

    Kooch wins at Mayakoba

    Tech golf is always well represented! WTG Matt!!!
  5. OldJacketFan

    Old Tech memorabilia

    I've a Tech banner from the '71 Peach Bowl that's probably the oldest memorabilia I have. The things I had that were older have been lost/misplaced/got thrown away over the years
  6. OldJacketFan

    Wesley Wells deserves his own thread

    Easiest club in the bag to repeat a swing with, sounds perfect for a kicker!
  7. OldJacketFan

    Why did Juanyeh Thomas fall down ...

    What caught my eye was the open hand shove that put the miami player on his a**! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: PS knew the rule so wasn't worried about JT sliding down
  8. OldJacketFan

    Petrino fired

  9. OldJacketFan

    We going bowling! Bowl Tickets Application

    Since Titans Stadium is about a 15 minute drive for me I can buy it as well! :D
  10. OldJacketFan

    We going bowling! Bowl Tickets Application

    Go to the game report and you'll see a link. Click on it, sign into your account and select ticket information.
  11. OldJacketFan

    Tech v duh U postgame!

    Talent is getting better and better!
  12. OldJacketFan

    Tech v duh U postgame!

    He is but the 2 young men are making it easy for him as well :)
  13. OldJacketFan

    Tech v duh U postgame!

    No, I want him a FS!!!!! Let him patrol the secondary and be the ball hawk his skills show him to be!
  14. OldJacketFan

    Tech v duh U postgame!

    No thank you, the is nothing from duh u that I want Tech to be associated with other giving duh u an annual a** kicking!
  15. OldJacketFan

    Tech v duh U postgame!

    Oh trust me Juanyeh is just getting primed for 2019! Young man is a baller!
  16. OldJacketFan

    We going bowling! Bowl Tickets Application

    Season tickets holder the application for bowl tickets is now up! :D:D:D:D
  17. OldJacketFan

    Tech v duh U postgame!

    In other words thug U being thug U
  18. OldJacketFan

    Tech v duh U postgame!

    :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Let's see ...............yeah you did **** Tech and the triple option!
  19. OldJacketFan

    Tech v duh U postgame!

    So enjoyable to see that look of "what do I do now" on St Richt's face :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  20. OldJacketFan

    Tech v duh U postgame!

    Boys got it done! 27-21. Love it!!!!