Played field goal team and 1 snap. He helps y'all win vt and this is what sewack does and everyone s OK with it? 43 snaps - 1 in a week. I'm not even mad anymore , ,over it. Go Jackets beat the dogs. Great game guys everyone looked flawless feels good to win.
That play look like he just got ran over but there are 9 other plays whrr he trips on #55 #11 #79 and I'm Positive its from not practicing much as a squad. #55 and #11 have wider stances than he is use to.he tweek that ankle in the 4 the so we will see if he can fixed that or even play
Maybe I am comming across wrong. I am not griping or an unhappy person that just likes to complain fact is I rarely ever complain or speak out.and I probably wouldn't say to much in public about this situation but after 3 years and what I seen heard and read.its become to recruited a big...
my post had nothing to do about chewing out but i dont mind speaking on it .no chew out this week .last week different story.what did he do to get curse out and physically punished? does any one know? a foul that wasn't his fault? how many fouls Has #71 had through out his GT career about 6 i...
so they get a pass for being sobs? its ok to kill a person self esteem because you can and hold a small title ? some of these kids are still building their selves finding their identity. family is about building each other up not tearing down. but this isn't a family.that part i mistook as a...
Thanks LD , I have been waiting the 3 LONGESTDAYs for this. You didn't concentrate much on the blocking this break down. I know it so much more new material .I'm just glad u posted.the vt d was pushing off or in the back a lot. Is that legal?. Your slow mo help me see why #71 was tripping up...
i like your wording.i will start to use some of it .( it's sound more acceptable than mines) but is saying the same thing. power over speed sums it up.
#71 played solid. 43 snaps 4 quarters (stamina not an issue).his holes and body was used more for plenty of yards. his blocks was more effective than not. he got beat on his blocks under5 times. got ran over once completed majority of his assignments. 0 fouls very disciplined.(even though #60...
No replay what so ever .the defense guy dove on the ground and Shamire laid on him when he got up there was two guys under him .told coach the boy dived cpj didn't want to hear it . as I slow motion the rewatch .its just what the kid (SD) pull him out and punish him punished us all .so...
couldn't keep my eyes of of the rg .young man (75)does play with intensity , does overly well getting off the ground fast and hitting who is in front of him.Parker is definitely built better for this system than Shamire.71 got heart of gold& white (just make it out alive) with that said ,it sure...
you are my best friend in my head .with out you i wouldn't or couldn't understand most of this type of play . but come on facts :"shamire had a wieght and conditioning issue in the past " or did he? they recruited him at that size no one actually knew how much he weighed until stepping on the gt...
nfl is not the main goal an educated healthy positive productive man is the #1 goal from this higher learning experience. and winning because we don't work hard to lose . i believe when he 1st came , 1 of his statments was not clarified .it was said he "didn't care about the football part "...
thanks but does that sound or feel right to you? Talent the stripped from him to dive and crawl at ankles and then say he isn't doing that the right way blew a season on stubbornness .he is not built for that . he worked ,works hard just like every other athletes his size was made for the game...
Thanks playing time isn't the issue yes it is nice to have more than 1plAyer a t any position I thought that was standard and to have more talent is awesome.than say that not PB is here to push SD .I don't react well to threats especially when they are not needed.there is plenty others they...
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