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  1. jwsavhGT

    Coronavirus Thread

    Just a word of caution - PLEASE don't turn this into another political thread that has to be moderated (yes, I'm talking about you). It would be nice to keep it on the virus...a place to share helpful info. TIA Edit: With the understanding that "Politics can be, and often is, involved in...
  2. jwsavhGT

    Coronavirus Thread
  3. jwsavhGT

    Coronavirus Thread

    Has anyone been actively following the WHO news conferences? The one this morning featured the Team Leader from the multi-nation task force and he seemed to be stepping all over himself as to what a fantastic job China has done with handling this virus.
  4. jwsavhGT

    Google Chrome PDF Issues?

    I'm using Chrome on my desktop & was able to access this thread and post to it.
  5. jwsavhGT

    We lost a true Jacket fan this week ...

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for sharing.
  6. jwsavhGT

    Favorite Cocktails
  7. jwsavhGT

    Favorite Cocktails

    Chocolate martini!
  8. jwsavhGT

    Introduce yourself

    Welcome aboard.
  9. jwsavhGT

    advice on low volt landscape lighting please...

    Check with @buzz_wiser©, he should be a good source of info.
  10. jwsavhGT

    Natural Deodorant

    Crystal deodorant. Check Amazon.
  11. jwsavhGT

    Introduce yourself

    Welcome aboard.
  12. jwsavhGT

    Introduce yourself

    Welcome aboard.
  13. jwsavhGT

    Merry Christmas To All The Swarm posters!

    As far as I can tell it may have been something on your end because I didn't see anything that indicates it was removed. I did see it on the other Merry Christmas thread. Maybe that's where you put it.
  14. jwsavhGT

    Introduce yourself

    Welcome aboard.
  15. jwsavhGT


    I'm not taking sides but did want to share this video...
  16. jwsavhGT

    COFH...Its Hate Week!!