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  1. OldJacketFan

    Is Atlanta a bad sports town?

    As to the Flames that not accurate, over the time they were in Atlanta they average over 13.5K in a 15K arena. Their 1st year the most expensive ticket in the Omni was $7.50. When the building economy went to hell in Atlanta Tom Cousins had a major cash flow issue and put his majority stake up...
  2. OldJacketFan

    Mark Richt Retiring

    That is a scary thought :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Of course you have to wonder how many would put up with discipline since they've never had to deal with the before
  3. OldJacketFan

    ACC Football Thread

    Why not? He's screwed up everyplace he's been why would duh u be any different? ;) As long as the inmates run the asylum down there duh u is going to underwhelm
  4. OldJacketFan

    Mark Richt Retiring

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO the grass isn't greener St Mark???????
  5. OldJacketFan

    2018 Coaching Carousel

    As long as Sarkasian is run out of Atlanta I couldn't care less where he winds up LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. OldJacketFan

    Homelessness in LA

    No one accused you of lying. Get over yourself and have a nice day, sheesh CA population 2008-2018 36.58 MM to 39.54MM
  7. OldJacketFan

    2018 Bowl Attendance Thread ....

    I was very pleasantly surprised at my entire experience in Detroit! If the game wad moved to later in the month I could see it drawing some very good crowds, the 26th is just not a great date for most folks.
  8. OldJacketFan

    Homelessness in LA

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow have at it, so sorry CA has you so very triggered. No one called you a liar or exaggerator that I see. Hopefully you can get your blood pressure under control and calm down, you might want to take a walk and enjoy a little nature time. And just for schitz and grins as to...
  9. OldJacketFan

    Homelessness in LA

    I wasn't being snarky just curious since I lived in LA for 8 years. Like any big city they have an issue with the homeless just like Atlanta, Dallas, Miami and many. many others. I did take a look after your post. A cursory search shows the encampment appear to be be localized in a relatively...
  10. OldJacketFan

    Homelessness in LA

    Homeless tents lined up for blocks? Really?
  11. OldJacketFan

    New regime goal posts

    But but but this is the least talented team in the ACC according to some dontyaknow??????? The cupboard is SO bare that CGC will next 4-5 years to restock it, amirite???????
  12. OldJacketFan

    Chances Tech reaches the pinnacle?

    Saw that which is why I typed out 12/31/1995 which in turn made me look stoopid LOL!!!!
  13. OldJacketFan

    Chances Tech reaches the pinnacle?

    My fat fingers and a typo :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  14. OldJacketFan

    Chances Tech reaches the pinnacle?

    Nope on 12/31/1995 won by Tech 17-14 over Mich State. Side note MVP was Mark Ingram Sr, his son we probably all know ;)
  15. OldJacketFan

    College and Pro Sports Seasonal Thread

    Glad to see somebody decided they wanted to win the game, they kept trying to give the game to the other team!
  16. OldJacketFan

    Chances Tech reaches the pinnacle?

    And I was sitting in the stands waiting for them to collapse under the weight of the Tech fans!
  17. OldJacketFan

    ACC Football Thread

    Helps to have all that talent around him as well though but there is no denying his talent
  18. OldJacketFan

    ACC Football Thread

    You actually had interference, imo, as well before the ball was hit and then caught!
  19. OldJacketFan

    ACC Football Thread

    What a catch!!!
  20. OldJacketFan

    ACC Football Thread

    LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! So do 32 NFL teams!