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  1. OldJacketFan

    2018 Bowl Attendance Thread ....

  2. OldJacketFan

    What is this thing about Waffle House?

    There are over 2100 Waffle Houses so if he is a manager chances are he's doing well for himself. As to the rest me thinks you may be overthinking it a bit ;)
  3. OldJacketFan

    2018 Bowl Attendance Thread ....

    You married WAY above yourself :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  4. OldJacketFan

    Hype and the GT fanbase

    Yes and Tech needs to do more of that! Hence the need for MONEY and personnel, right?
  5. OldJacketFan

    What is this thing about Waffle House?

    Just another branding thing I suspect :) As noted about there are a lot of ties between Tech and Waffle House!
  6. OldJacketFan

    Hype and the GT fanbase

    Not correcting for the sake of correcting but LJ is from Southern Ca and Tech was put on him through a Coach Cook contact. Same with Minihan, coaches on the island reached out to PJ. Tech needs to recruit CA but it does take personnel and MONEY.
  7. OldJacketFan

    College and Pro Sports Seasonal Thread

    Hmmmm OSU better shake off their lethargy, 28-17 OSU now with 6:42 to go.
  8. OldJacketFan

    What is this thing about Waffle House?

    Oh dear gawd has you never been to a Waffle House?????? Philistine! :D
  9. OldJacketFan

    College and Pro Sports Seasonal Thread

    28-10 OSU 4th quarter
  10. OldJacketFan

    Happy new year (and turning over a new leaf, plus a request)

    Yeah but the GA heat/humidity is miserable for them!
  11. OldJacketFan

    2018 Bowl Attendance Thread ....

    Nice to see the Rose Bowl full!
  12. OldJacketFan

    College and Pro Sports Seasonal Thread

    That's almost as bad a Tech loss to Alcorn St or something equally nuts, folks up there were in shock over the loss
  13. OldJacketFan

    College and Pro Sports Seasonal Thread

    Certainly arguable but that Perdue loss was SO bad for OSU
  14. OldJacketFan

    College and Pro Sports Seasonal Thread

    Don't anybody would want to play the Buckeyes today! 28-3 OSU, I know my son in law is loving it!
  15. OldJacketFan

    Official GT announcement, OC and DC

    LJ's injury is NOT an ACL. And he has good speed, long stride that just eats up ground, if he was not a good runner he would not have been recruited to Tech. Add his arm and you have a true dual threat QB
  16. OldJacketFan

    2018 Coaching Carousel

    Botch Jones and Lame Kiffiin, somebody tell me why they ever get another interview. Neither has shown they can handle/build/maintain a Power 5 program.
  17. OldJacketFan

    Biggest holes to fill O&D 2019

    He has started to run and will be available for Spring practice :)
  18. OldJacketFan

    Biggest holes to fill O&D 2019

    LJ's injury was to his foot, not knee iirc
  19. OldJacketFan

    Biggest holes to fill O&D 2019

    But but but we all KNOW Tech's too small!!!! Right? RIGHT?????? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. OldJacketFan

    2018 Bowl Attendance Thread ....

    Looking across the field from where I was sitting it looked as if MN folks filled the lower section of Ford Field similar to what the Tech sections looked like