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  1. Root for auburn

    Tech beat Ga, Ga beat Aub, Aub beat Ala, Tech is #1
  2. Some JT film from this year

    And this is true of most all our players in every sport. Be thank full that we have teams not players!
  3. Some JT film from this year

    Being very ''old school'', i enjoy Justin for how he plays the game. Never seen him argue with officials,show up his coach or teammates nor his competition, he just plays good and stays humble. This is why i watch sports, for every Johnny Manzel there is a Justin Thomas!
  4. Dayton Game Thread

    my first post after much observation, Thank you RamblinRed for always posting informative information,good or bad while never changing the subject or degrading our kids or programs. Merry CHRISTmas everyone and go JACKETS!!