Recent content by GoldenBuzz

  1. What is the greatest game ever played at BDS at Grant/Hyundai Field?

    I agree. We were in an electric field from start to finish, actually an awesome human experience. Historical note: Notre Dame was No. 1 until this game but they played and lost to Ugag in the Sugar Bowl.
  2. One year ago today, we were set free....

    Apparently, we have not been set free. We're still doing time.
  3. First game with my daughter, looking for advice.

    I think you learned from today to cover her eyes so she won't see the obscenities on the field.
  4. Bowling Green Post Game... 😢

    When Chuck Noll first came to the Steelers, a team that hadn't ever been to the playoffs in 40 years, one of the players asked him, "Coach, how come we ain't winning?" Noll replied, "The reason you're not winning is that you're not any good. That's why we're going to have to get rid of most of...
  5. Roll call for GT vs. Louisville

    I'm eating at the Hudson Grille and then I'm walking down.
  6. Any news?? (stage 3: press coverage)

    It would be best if our entire national society shifted, but it at least needs to occur within the Tech culture. And to be clear, demanding excellence in academics and athletics used to exist at Tech. We lowered our standards.
  7. Any news?? (stage 3: press coverage)

    I totally agree with you. A new coach and even a new AD will not solve the problem. We need a man at the top - the president - who understands the pursuit of excellence. We need a renewed perspective, that includes the belief that college is not for everyone. We need to return to our...
  8. Any news?? (stage 3: press coverage)

    It didn't used to be an advertisement for campus life. It used to be about arete, the pursuit of excellence.
  9. Any news?? (stage 3: press coverage)

    I would especially like the Tech fans younger than I am (63) to read this: Amen. Our civilization is crumbling because we have forgotten what built it. In the early 60s, when I was just a toddler, the memory of what Bobby Dodd did in the 50s was still very fresh on Atlanta's mind, and my...
  10. Any news?? (stage 3: press coverage)

    And I see it was extreme, but i thought of it as a bit of hyperbole to demonstrate that economics need not be the driver. Does Georgia Tech play football to make money? Then money should be the highest principle. But it plays for another reason such as fielding a team that represents Tech to...
  11. Any news?? (stage 3: press coverage)

    Economics need not be and in my opinion should not be the highest principle in the logic of this situation. Slave owners used economics to justify continuing the institution of slavery. They didn't want to lose their monetary investment and so ignored the morality that demanded the end of...
  12. Staff Changes

    Georgia Tech's problem is very similar to America's problem: they won't get rid of the incompetent people who can't do the job they were hired to do.
  13. Staff Changes

    Why oh why oh why would anyone keep Thacker in any capacity?
  14. Mostly “Fire Geoff Collins”, some reminiscing, maybe bourbon or other distractions

    What if we sued Collins for mis-representing himself as knowing what a football was?