Search results

  1. Who is more likely to be drafted: Kelly or Ndongo?

    I'm no basketball talent scout but this is pretty easy for anyone who is not blind. Nongo has all kind of upside - Kelly appears to have plateau'd...absolutely no improvement in his game this year and showed little leadership and extreme inconsistency...
  2. ACC Baseball Tournament

    Same old story - it repeats every year...not a single pitcher stepped up today when it mattered the most...
  3. Duke Baseball

    Agreed - and this is why I said early this season this pitching staff has more upside than the last two years of historically bad performance. Now if our upper classmen pitchers can kick it into gear (Busse, King, Brown...) and kids like Stanford can figure out some command, it's pretty easy to...
  4. MBB, Miami, 2/24... Someone has to start the thread

    Trey Young averages 36.5% 3 point range as one example of your point - so yes, that would be a good GT asset!
  5. Cornell

    I would add Riley Stanford to the list of pitchers who will likely contribute significantly out of the pen - you could see his potential in his first-ever GT outing this weekend. He has good shut-down potential from the mound...
  6. NCAA Baseball Attendance

    I'm in the weather-driven bucket too - live in Alpharetta area and retired two years ago - travel a lot (@Braves Spring Training all March) but will be at any good weather games my schedule allows otherwise. Traffic can be a bit of a hassle but logistics are pretty easy in the big picture. All...
  7. What has surprised you so far this year?

    This may be the best post thus far in least it gets my nomination...
  8. Kelly And Russ Discuss

    Two notes on this topic - 1) The whole reason KQ publishes to YT is to better market his paid Rivals subscription so it is odd he can't figure out how to edit out those first few minutes of awkward silence/key board typing - easy enough for all of us to FF through but seems silly on his part to...
  9. Conference Realignment

    Agreed that is a legit way of looking at it but from another view FSU was completely inept from an offensive perspective (unlike the OSU example from a few years back when they showed their O could still function in spite of going with a 3rd-string QB). So personally, I think FSU doomed...
  10. Our NIL

    My understanding of NIL is there is purposefully very little transparency with any of the figures with any program. Numbers get thrown around on social media but there is no way of verifying any of the numbers other than through personal/comfidential sources close to each collective. The whole...
  11. Hall retained. Borrell fired.

    Clearly DBo didn't work out overall but I know multiple kids who worked with him in the minors and/or at GT who loved his approach and felt he helped them. Many of our pitchers this year publicly stated as much. However, I don't believe DBo had much, if any, experience calling pitches in game...
  12. UNC, Baseball

  13. UNC, Baseball

    Interesting graph for sure so thanks for sharing. To your point on the importance of pitching in conference and tourney play. It would be interesting to look specifically at pitching recruits only for PG ratings. I mention this as my hypothesis would be our pitching recruiting has not been as...
  14. @Boston College, Baseball

    Indeed - giving up 24 runs only means we don't have enough pitching depth for three b2b games and will obviously kill our team ERA stat. But the primary reason we lost this series was our lack of timely hitting on Saturday. Actually our pitching on Fri and Sat showed significant improvement...
  15. Louisville, anyone?

    Agreed - the team ERA continues to look rough but doesn't tell the whole story so far this season. It sure feels like we have more hope on the mound this season as compared to last season. If the kids mentioned above can continue to trend in a positive direction we could end up with a...
  16. Notre Dame, Baseball

    Agree with this - not clear on likelihood of Hill or McGwire coming back this season but if they can, we could be better than .500. If not we'll likely finish below .500 in ACC unless another starter (or two) develops into that role quickly...
  17. The cool cats baseball chat room

    Not worried about this as most P5 programs want to hire a coach with previous HC experience - as GT should strongly consider. So it's most likely he'd go to a G5 program, get some HC experience and then be an even better candidate to come back to GT as HC... At least that's one theory which...
  18. Lipscomb, baseball

    Love to hear it - love it when anyone beats those cocky bastards...won't ever forget the finger flip...
  19. uGag, Baseball

    CDH lives in the neighborhood next to ours and we know many of his neighbors. From everything I have heard from his neighbors, he is 100% baseball with no hobbies and no plans or desire to retire in the near future. Of course I realize he may not share retirement plans with neighbors but there...
  20. uGag, Baseball

    I'm not a CDB fan based on very poor results to-date but agree we should acknowledge the good with the bad. Busse has been lights out and he clearly credits CDB with making some adjustments to his pitching with "taking him to the next level" from his previous team.