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  1. bobongo

    Week 0 Line

    The money line will be very lucrative. Tech has a good shot at winning this game straight up, IMO.
  2. bobongo

    Week 0 Line

    Take the points. Jump on it now, before the line goes down. Go big.
  3. bobongo

    2024 Football Portal

    Hopefully that'll be the step he takes forward this year. He's got some good coaching - we'll see what happens.
  4. bobongo

    Bobby Dodd Renovation in the NE Stands

    This boomer sits at the tip top of the stadium and wears earplugs to fend off the teeth-rattling muzak, thank you. Hearing's fine per se but accompanied by now constant tinnitus, augmented no doubt by the overloud P.A. system.
  5. bobongo

    Bobby Dodd Renovation in the NE Stands

    From where I sit, the PA system could be immediately improved by simply turning the volume down about eight notches. And can the canned muzak so I can hear the band. But that's just me.
  6. bobongo

    Bobby Dodd Renovation in the NE Stands

    Speaking strictly for myself, I've always been down with BDS. Sight lines are good everywhere, and the upper east can't be beat. All I want is a good spot to watch the game, a place to take a whiz, a place to get something to drink, and a scoreboard. And hopefully, a winning team. All else is...
  7. bobongo

    Bobby Dodd Renovation in the NE Stands

    But how are the sight lines from the bathrooms? Can you watch the game while taking a whiz?
  8. bobongo

    Bobby Dodd Renovation in the NE Stands

    It might be an idea worth considering if Tech wasn't $200,000,000 in debt. After spending ourselves into the poorhouse, it's quite unlikely we're going to spend ourselves rich.
  9. bobongo

    Bobby Dodd Renovation in the NE Stands

    A retractable roof? Have you priced one of those lately?
  10. bobongo

    Bobby Dodd Renovation in the NE Stands

    I would wager there isn't one single fan who would pass on buying a ticket because they can't see the game while waiting in line for food. Not one.
  11. bobongo

    Bobby Dodd Renovation in the NE Stands

    A little over 3,000. Stadium capacity will be lowered from about 55,000 to just under 52,000.
  12. bobongo

    Conference Realignment

    They only want to make it public regarding this contract for their immediate purposes. It falls under the heading of hypocrisy. We see this play out all the time, where an argument is made in one situation but quite the opposite argument would be made in another. The lawyers for the other...
  13. bobongo

    Re-Watched some old wins on YouTube....

    Tech lost to Wake Forest because Gailey punted late on fourth and inches around midfield with an obviously worn-out defense on the bench. He made a pro coaching decision in college.
  14. bobongo

    Conference Realignment

    Players could be paid with the money freed up by not having to provide scholarships, since they won't be students. Instant gratification. Fast money right out of high school (if they finish that), but no education. Injured at 19, out on the street. Oh, well...
  15. bobongo

  16. bobongo

    Your First GT QB

    I really like threads like this because you hear from some people who rarely post, and also learn from some of the older folks details about the old days expressed with an amazing memory. Thanks to the O.P. and everyone participating in this discussion. It's an interesting and fun read.
  17. bobongo

    Your First GT QB

    The Young Lefthander Kim King was QB in the first Tech game I remember, the '65 Gator Bowl (saw it on TV - a 31-21 W over Texas Tech). But the first one I saw in person was Jim Stevens standing in for Eddie McAshan in the Tech - Ugag game in '72, in Athens. The Jackets lost that one, but...
  18. bobongo

    Conference Realignment
  19. bobongo

    Only 115 short days until kickoff...

    I didn't know myself, but found it in this old article: "...the kick had to be low to get some distance on it, and Patrick Gamble managed to get a hand on...
  20. bobongo

    Conference Realignment

    That's a really good question. I guess I would say it's better to be among them, but I really don't know what I'm saying. It begs another question, though - if we were offered a place in these conferences that are destroying college football, should we turn them down?