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  1. The 800lbs Gorilla ...

    He seems to be still engaged with his teammates, I noticed him standing and cheering on the bench in the Holiday tournament in Hawaii.
  2. CJP on ESPN

    You're probably the only one who cares!

    Pitino? Louisville didn't miss a beat regarding the sanction handed out under his watch, they are currently suffering from sanctions that took place under their previous Coach Chris Mack.
  4. When does Pastner feel heat

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but this type of stuff has been going on as far back as the 1960's.
  5. Get Old, Stay Old... What Happened??

    What do you think was going on when McDonald's All-Americans started showing up here routinely?
  6. Get Old, Stay Old... What Happened??

    That Pastner/Bell situation had NO bearing on Pastner's ability or inability to recruit, it was used by those who support Pastner as an excuse much like the lack of NIL. We currently have one 4* signed for the HS class of 23' and two current players in Debo and Miles that were rated 4* coming...
  7. When does Pastner feel heat

    Complete B.S
  8. When does Pastner feel heat

    OK, Mrs. Pastner
  9. Lineup for 2022-23

    I wouldn't classify Coleman and Kelly as pure shooters.... Dennis Scott, Mark Price, and Anthony Morrow were pure shooters, I always felt like the ball was going though the net when they shot the ball more often than not.
  10. Lineup for 2022-23

    We haven't had 3 NBA players in probably 15yrs, most years we haven't had any!
  11. What happens with recruiting and coaching now?

    I'm well aware of that, but name the last DOMINATE center that was projected to be drafted in the late 1st round or 2nd round?
  12. What happens with recruiting and coaching now?

    And neither one of those guys are/were dominate..... Players get drafted every year based on potential alone!
  13. What happens with recruiting and coaching now?

    You consider scoring 10 points dominant?
  14. GT vs. Ga Sou

    Pathetic and sad!
  15. Coaching Carousel 6 - You can't make everyone happy. You are not bacon.

    I also remember no one besides Pastner wanted this job!
  16. A list of recruiting debacles: This List goes to 11

    Stanley Roberts and Don McClean class of 88'
  17. Game Thread - dook, 1/8/2020

    Jose has missed significant time each year he's been here, the issue is Pastner has not recruited a PG that can fill in such cases as injuries.
  18. Game Thread - dook, 1/8/2020

    I swear I'm going to pull what little hair I have left on head If I see Devoe attempt to dribble in traffic!
  19. Pastner vs Crean

    The irony of your of post made me Lol, considering were facing probation.
  20. Sjolund to (not) transfer

    During this time period of is he redshirting/transferring, the one question I kept asking myself was..... where is he going?