Recent content by TampaBuzz

  1. TampaBuzz

    Regional: Ga Tech, UNCW, UGa, Army

    3 hits through 8? And you blame the pitching? We knew the offense was gonna have to carry us, but it missed the bus.
  2. TampaBuzz

    Regional: Ga Tech, UNCW, UGa, Army

    The bats better wake up...cuz the pitching ain't gonna get it done.
  3. TampaBuzz

    Braves Regular Season

    I just saw that Minter was sent to the DL....
  4. TampaBuzz

    TV Series Not Worth Finishing

    I recommend reading the Lucas Davenport series of novels. Some serious crime drama who dunnit stuff.
  5. TampaBuzz

    Braves Regular Season

    Are we kinda like an SI cover jinx? Say good things about someone on this thread and they immediately jump the shark? BTW, that is a new expression to my is more interesting then jumping the tracks, or blowing a tire.
  6. TampaBuzz

    Your First GT QB

    I don't was the guy handing the ball to Eddie Lee Ivery....
  7. TampaBuzz

    I'm starting to hate FSU fans.

    I don't know about this. Whenever we go to Miami for a GT game we are treated well - even invited to join tailgates. Maybe it helps to have a Venezuelan wife?
  8. TampaBuzz

    TV Series Not Worth Finishing

    I haven't watched any of them. Lucky me!
  9. TampaBuzz

    Re-Watched some old wins on YouTube....

    I miss GT Bob!
  10. TampaBuzz

    2024 Football Portal

    Lewis Grizzard, I presume??
  11. TampaBuzz

    Interesting Contrast in GT Pitching 2023 vs 2024

    Compare the number of walks per game as part of the analysis. I bet we are way down this year vs last.
  12. TampaBuzz

    Funny Stuff

    I gotta admit....I don't find this even remotely funny. Even in jest it seems incredibly abusive.
  13. TampaBuzz

    GT Hoops General Topics

    Who won for the females?
  14. TampaBuzz

    Braves Regular Season

    1 hour and 52 minutes? Is that what I read? Greg Maddox would be proud!
  15. TampaBuzz

    Conference Realignment