Recent content by Root4GT

  1. Transfers out

    In Fairfax County VA 1984 is a book that is addressed in 12th Grade English. My daughter is a 12th Grade English Special Ed teacher. There are real challenges teaching those kids but every once in a while a light bulb comes on discussing 1984!
  2. Baye Declares for NBA; Retaining Eligibility

    Way too soon to say as we have zero clue on a bunch of new players this year. Offensively Ndongo will clearly be setting picks for Nait and McCollum in the pick and roll game. Can he develop a shot where he takes a 3 off that play? Unknown. Defensively how will the other 3 bigs work out...
  3. House vs. NCAA

    GT alumni are a different breed than most college grads. GT’s AA donations and NIL contributions will be very low compared to most P4 colleges once this is settled. Players most likely will be paid directly for playing. High School NIL will be next.
  4. Conference Realignment

    Curious as to why Clemson and FSU’s 10 year record isn’t included. Clemson has totally dominated the ACC over that time. FSU has shown life the past 2 years but was a mess for much of the 10 years. NCST has been a very underrated team.
  5. Conference Realignment

    Good find! Miami and FSU were the 2 schools that were National Brands equal to any team in the SEC or B1G. Both Miami and FSU fell remarkably hard which really hurt the ACC's football perception as only FSU in 2013 and then Clemson starting in 2015 were noteworthy programs while the SEC...
  6. Baye Declares for NBA; Retaining Eligibility

    This is very unknown territory for GT to have players declare for the NBA with options to come back. BY my recall, not very good, Okogie, Jose and Moses all went Pro. Kelly returned. Not good odds based on a very small sample size. We will be a MUCH better team if he returns. From some film...
  7. Offseason Media 2024

    Are you really that oblivious. Or do you simply not bother to read. If you bother to actually read what i have posted I accurately stated that Singleton produced more in one year at GT than the rest of the guys who were TEs at GT on the graphic. Singleton is a Stud. The other guys who played...
  8. Offseason Media 2024

    It’s JacketOff’s attempt at being funny. Not surprisingly he badly failed. Singleton did more in one year at GT then all the TE’s not named Walled did in total in their GT careers. Of course Waller was not a TE at GT so in one year as as freshmen Singleton out preformed all those NFL TEs GT has...
  9. Offseason Media 2024

    Oh dear the Bid Bad Wolf is scaring the: Good Lord this Board gets But Hurt so easily. Who gives a crap what some Dawg fans post!
  10. GT-FSU 12pm ET Kickoff.

    Noon kickoff on week zero immediately after ESPN Gameday is about as good as it could be for a game in Dublin! Great opportunity for GT to shoe they can compete with the big boys of college football!
  11. Offseason Media 2024

    Well if this is what is considered positive press than Fake News works! You know this is a misleading and meaningless chart that only people on THIS board have seen or care about. Check the other GT message boards and this chart does not show up because it is meaningless. I say people are...
  12. Offseason Media 2024

    Whatever floats your boat. Let's revisit in September! Again if you believe in thought police this is not a GT message board, it's is a GT propaganda board. Is that your desire, I doubt it! You like many others feel the need to comment. Then wonder why this discussion continues. Leonard...
  13. Offseason Media 2024

    It’s also a reflection of GTs record the past 8+ years. We have lacked the talent to compete at the top of the ACC. CPJ who was a top tier coach couldn’t compete at the top tier after 2014. Coaching matters as CGC showed how bad coaching hurts badly. Talented players matter as much. GT...
  14. Offseason Media 2024

    When our TEs produce at GT and the NFL then get excited. Hyping GT TEs is fake news. Let’s revisit in September and see how many are on active rosters. Even on practice squads.
  15. Offseason Media 2024

    Because you continue to respond for some strange reason