Recent content by BeeRBee

  1. BeeRBee

    NBA Jackets - surprising long careers

    I see 821 games over 14 years for Jon Barry, which I would agree is a surprisingly long career. Thad Young just finished his 17th year, and has played in 1172 games. While I would certainly have predicted a good career for him, any NBA player lasting 17 years counts as a surprising career. He...
  2. BeeRBee

    Baye Declares for NBA; Retaining Eligibility

    So not to trigger you or anything, but this is the Thad Young dilemma, correct? Do we have the centers necessary to (mostly) play him in the position to best develop him for the NBA?
  3. BeeRBee

    Coaching Carousel 9 - People die climbing mountains

    Really sorry that didn't work out for him, though he got a pretty decent runway. I thought he made a pretty big contribution to Pastner's staff while he was here.
  4. BeeRBee

    Adidas Contract Expiring

    The P3 center is still open. It had a relationship with Adidas but is not owned by them. It was the Cherokee County factory they closed.
  5. BeeRBee

    Transfer Portal: Who do we need to target this offseason?

    If I remember correctly, once you have an undergraduate degree there is no more progress towards a degree requirement. You still have to be taking a certain number of credit hours.
  6. BeeRBee

    Today is early enrollee and transfer move-in day

    Man, that looks nothing like the 4th floor Caldwell room I moved into in 1977, other than maybe the size of the desk.
  7. BeeRBee

    Conference Realignment

    I don’t see this as neutering or any kind of payback to FSU. However there is litigation between FSU and the ACC, and the ACC Board and member schools will need to be briefed and make decisions on legal strategy. Excluding FSU from the governance of the conference may be the only legal way to...
  8. BeeRBee

    2024 Adidas SWAG watch

    I think the key phrase may be “mass market channel” which I suspect is a term of art in the retail industry. I saw one article stating it would include stores like Walmart and Target, and another referencing warehouse stores. Still would be surprised if they were exclusive other than some...
  9. BeeRBee

    1/9 - GT MBB vs Notre Dame

    This is admittedly purely based on impressions and not study, but I feel like Deebo is shooting much quicker this year. I remember getting very frustrated in earlier years that he would get the ball with an open look but hesitate allowing the defense to recover, and then not shoot. This year he...
  10. BeeRBee

    What is the greatest game ever played at BDS at Grant/Hyundai Field?

    You’re young, so I’ll forgive this. But IMO this is a very toxic attitude. Enjoy every Tech accomplishment and ignore secondary effects, even involving UGA. I was a student at that game, and my memory is that we never sat down. Incredibly exciting.
  11. BeeRBee

    2023 Holiday Break - GT in the Diamond Head Classic

    Not arguing whether it had an effect on the game, but according to the GTMBB Xitter account they arrived in Hawaii on the 18th. Returned from NY on the 16th, practiced on the 17th (Jarrett Jack came by) then flew out on the 18th.
  12. BeeRBee

    12/9: MBB vs Alabama A&M

    The “Final Stats (PDF)” link on the game stories or schedule on It’s usually a 20+ page document including play by play, stats by half, team shooting charts, etc. Really good stuff.
  13. BeeRBee

    12/9: MBB vs Alabama A&M

    My first thought was that you were right, but I don’t see it in the lineup breakdown
  14. BeeRBee

    UMass Lowell

    One game sample, but the first 2 lines here are certainly striking. As for Stoudamire’s strategy I don’t know. My guess was that he sees more upside with the group he’s starting and wants to develop them, but early returns don’t look good.