Recent content by 4shotB

  1. 4shotB

    2024 Football Portal

    Off the top of my head, Dewberry, Dorsey Levins and Tashard Choice are at the top of the list. Who am I missing?
  2. 4shotB

    Homer Rice passes away at 97

    He was a difference maker in this world. These types are the rarest of the rare. A real giant amongst the rest of us mortals. RIP.
  3. 4shotB

    When will we get our day?

    You are right. However what bothers me the most is the absolute inability to fix a problem that has been there seemingly forever. I know Coach Hall sees the same problem as we do. However he is unable to fix it and he has certainly had enough time to do so. If it was a problem over the last year...
  4. 4shotB

    When will we get our day?

    This speaks to the degree of which I follow things. I was unaware of this. My lack of knowledge is why I mostly refrain from posting down here.
  5. 4shotB

    When will we get our day?

    I don’t follow the sport but GT baseball is boring in the same manner that GT football was under Gailey. You always knew what was going to happen. IIRC, Gailey and CPJ won at about the same rate. But I will take higher highs with lower lows and most Tech fans feel similarly given the response...
  6. 4shotB


    I must have read this some 25 or 35 years ago in Golf Digest but Jack (the GOAT) said that 80% of the distance improvement was coming from the golf balls. The other was coming from the clubs/shafts. He said if you made the current golf ball conform to the old standards then the clubs that have...
  7. 4shotB


    I am not sure if it's match play that can bother some golfers as much as it is the team aspect of it. 99.9% of the time golf is an individual sport and I think it is weird for some (like maybe Tiger ) to play with the burden of having teammates that are also affected by your score. Against guys...
  8. 4shotB


    My wife and I took the grandson to the Fedex/St. Jude tournament. While watching on the range, I could not see their drives land - they hit them out of my range of vision. I told my grandson that in a few more years, I was also going to be able to hit the ball like that - meaning I can't see...
  9. 4shotB


    as an aside, did you see the recent PGA/ Coming down the stretch, DeChambeau (sp?) hit an 8 irom from 221 yds to within 3 feet. If us weekend warriors had that kind of distance we wouldn't need to carry anymore than a 5 iron in our bags.
  10. 4shotB


    I love sports. I too struggle to break 80 but have no qualms telling a guy who is in contention at any tournament from the NCAA championship up to the Open and Masters what club to hit. I recently played golf with a former student who was on FSU's golf team a few years back. He was scratch and...
  11. 4shotB


    I understood the announcer to say they both elected not to hit driver. Perhaps I misunderstood.
  12. 4shotB


    There were two guys who had a chance to tie coming up 18, a par 5. Both of them chose to hit 3 wood (or equivalent) off the tee. Given the green and pin location, it was hard to hit a wedge tight enough to make birdie although both guys (one from Uva, one from Vandy) had reasonable (not easy)...
  13. 4shotB

    GT-FSU 12pm ET Kickoff.

    Not really for me. If I was drunk at 7:3O AM, many times it was a continuation of the previous evening's festivities. So, technically 12:01 AM as probably the earliest that I was ever drunk. The latest in the day I have ever been drunk is 11:59 PM. I'm never sure if 12 AM constitutes the last of...
  14. 4shotB

    Do academics mean anything anymore at college

    You have an optimism about things under the new system that I can't quite muster. Maybe it's bc I am aware of history. There have been so many changes in the past that we all rationalized were going to help Tech. Leaving the SEC. integration. Scholarship limits. Academic requirements. Joining...
  15. 4shotB

    Option Football

    I agree. Reflecting back upon things I was constantly adapting and evolving. Hustling/ Grinding/etc. Then one day you wake up and realize you don't have to do it any longer. At least at a job that takes the greater % of your waking hours. Then you pass the baton on to the young Turks who need to...